So, no stunning numbers for the week, but I'm feeling good about myself and that's a huge accomplishment. I managed to workout Last week Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for an hour and half each time (more importantly, at 6:30am!)
This week I worked out this morning for an hour and 45 minutes! My goal is to workout every morning for the rest of the week (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday).
The numbers:
Last week: 218.8
This week: 218.2
Loss: 0.6 pounds
Not stunning, but next week will be better. That's the goal, every week get a little better.
Thanks for following.
One chubby girl's journey to overcome a weight problem and finally conquer her dream of being a 'former fatty.'
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Tides Are Changing

Monday morning (even with the time change), I woke up at 5:30am with Steve. He gets up at this time every weekday to head off to work. I hopped out of bed (which is impressive because I am SO not a morning person), packed my work clothes and lunch, and headed to the gym. By the time I actually get packed, get awake enough to drive, and commute to the gym (conviently located accross the street from my parking garage AND my office) it's usually 6:20am. But, I put in a solid hour and half before showering and heading to the office. It felt GREAT!!
Today, I did the same thing even though I had stayed up till midnight working on homework (yeah, I'm also finishing up my second masters in the midst of all this chaos). I was especially proud of myself this morning for getting out of bed and going because I was really tired. As I type now, I can feel my body really dragging, but I'm proud of myself and that pride will keep me awake all day!
So, I'm happy to report an weight loss this week for the first time since the beginning weeks in January.
Week 3 (Part 2)
Starting weight: 220
Current weight: 218.8
Weight Loss: 1.2
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
New Week 2: Surviving
So, this is the new week 2 and sometimes it's just about surviving another week. A wise person told me that sometimes, in those most difficult weeks, it is just about not gaining. This week is just that...surviving. It's been a rough emotional week.
Starting weight from last week: 219.2 pounds
Current weight this week: 220 pounds
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Depression and Weight-Loss

So it's Tuesday March 2, 2010 and this is my first time back posting in a long time. I don't know what to say...I don't know how to say it...part of me feels like a failure and the other part keeps screaming from the depths to say "No, you are not going to stop. You must keep going. You must win this battle." It's a difficult fight from within, but then again, you the viewers are not aware of the turmoil that lurks beneath my skin and strikes a hard blow to my psyche every morning. So, here is your is your insight. I do this not for pitty or awe, but for awareness. So that you can see that even those around you who you would not suspect, may be suffering.
...I have a long standing history with depression. While it is not as severe as I have seen, it still impacts me every day. It is very likely that it was a factor with my hidden unhappiness in my high school years, but became more evident during my college days. Finally, about five years ago, I sought treatment. Since then I have been on medication to help stabalize my emotions. I don't seek to have my feelings block by chemical means, rather what I've worked with my doctors on is finding the right medication at the right dosage that allows me to feel like feel like I am capable of making rational decisions and see the world for how it is rather than the darkness that tends to cloud it. It works. It really does.
However, around the end of December / early January, the medication I had been on for the past two and half years finally hit is "leveling-off" point and I was greatly affected by it's inability to work with my body anymore. So, I had to change medications. The only issue, it took a few weeks for the medicine to build up in my system and left me in a vulnerable state. I was doing okay though. I had the support of my boyfriend, family, and friends. Everyday I would remind myself of the positives and keep ahold of those thoughts tightly throughout the day. Finally, as the medicine began to build up, it became easier and easier to be me again. That's when tragedy hit. Per my last post, I lost a very close friend and supporter on January 29th. She was a daily figure in my life as we worked together at the University. She was the only person in my office whom I had shared my history of depression with and she knew of my medication change and helped to keep me upbeat at work during the transition. Her loss hit me hard in the last days of this transition and threw me into a major swirl. As I tried hard to crawl back out of the deep hole depression often digs, the major snow storms hit and once again the hole got bigger. Many people are affected by seasonal depression, but when you suffer with long standing depression, the seasons can have a major affect.
With more snow and winter conditions surrounding my city everyday, and the constant absence of my dear friend which I am reminded of everyday I walk into my office, it's been difficult to think positive. It's been a struggle to think about me and what I need to get better. It's been a struggle to eat right, workout, and update my blog. It's been a struggle to get out of bed every morning, get dressed, and walk into an office that reminds me of a tragedy. It's been a struggle, but I'm still here. I'm trying to do what needs to be done. I started therapy last week and will continue for the next few months. I made a budget to help control my groceries and force me to make GOOD choices at the supermarket. And I'm telling friends that I'm not okay, that I need support, and that with there help and the positive changes I am trying to make, I will get back to taking care of me and meeting this goal. The year is far from's not even a third over yet. I have a half-marathon I am still signed up for and will be walking or jogging or crawling in two months. I have friends who love me and keep asking where my blog is...and I have a great boyfriend who cooks with me every night, supports me every day, and reminds of the positives that are in my life. I'm going to do this.
So, I have no idea what week this would be if I had kept up with my bloggin, but we will call this WEEK 1, Journey 2.
Week 1, Journey 2:
Starting weight: 219.2 pounds
See you next week...promise.
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