Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010: The good, the bad, and the "needs improvement"

Okay, so a little good and a little bad. First, the good...this morning I FINALLY got up and made it to the gym at 6:30 am and it felt great! I managed 4 miles of brisk walking on the treadmill and it's now noon and I still feel wide awake and proud of my accomplishment. The last week, getting up that early was rough. I'm not a morning person and anyone who has ever lived with me or talked to someone who has lived with me knows what a bear I am in the morning. So, I'd like to publically thank my boyfriend Steve for helping get me out the door this morning.

I did manage to workout two other nights last week. Steve and I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and got our asses kicked. We both felt very sore the following days, but were happy with our short workouts. The plan is to continue to supplement my workouts with 30 Day Shred sessions in the evening (basically on days when I feel my morning workout was lacking, or when I have time and feel like really punishing myself).

Now for the bad...I got on the scale this morning and am sad to report a 2 pound gain. I'm not really sure what happened since I did workout a bit and felt I was a little more attentive to my eating habits (although far from perfect). So, this week I will be focusing more on my eating and trying harder to get up every morning and workout in the gym.

So that's my week in a nutshell. Other than signing up for the Pittsburgh Half-Marathon in May, I have not set any new goals. But, I have expanded my fan base by duel posting both here and on a fan page that my friend Katrina Luther and I created on facebook called, "If I Were A Fit Chick." If you haven't already, go check it out. Until then, I'll be keeping up my end of the deal.

See you next week.


  1. Yay 30 Day Shred. I always have the best ideas. Like site names. *cough* ifiwasafitgirl.com *cough* lol.

  2. As per the 2 lb gain. A couple things...are you tracking your food (calories or anything) vs. calories burned? You might be eating healthy, but if your calories consumed is more than your calories expended (In vs. Out), you may be sabotaging your efforts.

    Also are you getting enough water? Dehydration, especially when you're working out real hard, will often cause a gain.

    Or it could just be that your body hasn't caught up yet. I often found my weight worked in two week increments. My efforts would show up two weeks after...for better or for worse. Keep at it, and see what happens next week. As long as you're doing the right things, you will win at losing (ok...sorry about the cheese in that last bit)

  3. OK - GeminiJulia had some great tips that I was going to give you - also make sure you're eating ENOUGH. Sometimes if you're not taking in enough calories, your body will hold on for dear life. Tracking your calories/food intake is a huge way to help you see what you're eating and tweak it to help you. Make sure you're eating the right things - 5-9 fruits/veggies per day, 2-3 dairy, lean protein, whole grains, etc. AND WATER, WATER, WATER, WATER. Seriously. I drink about 12-13 glasses a day, because it's what my body needs, but at least 6 is a must. If you're working out that much, I would say 8 at least. Enjoy your morning workouts! I am a morning person, so I don't mind it, but hopefully you'll come to enjoy it and it will become a normal part of your routine.

    Don't let the first week get you down - stick with it - track your food, drink your water and keep kickin' your butt!

    Oh - to help you know how many calories to take in - this website is helpful: gives you your "basal metabolic rate" - which is how many calories you should eat if your sedentary. If you're moving, they have a calculation to figure out how many calories to add. Also - think about joining WW - their system of "points" is a great way to track your food! here's that website:


    Good luck! I'm looking forward to next week!

  4. PS - follow my blog?? :) You're so popular :) www.rahdefamilygrows.blogspot.com :)

  5. Remember, too, that muscle is heavier than fat. I lost about 8 pounds when I stopped going to the gym for a few weeks, but I chalk that up to muscle loss...you may be gaining a few, but in a good way!
