So the magic phrase for this week: OMG OMG OMG!!!
As some of you may have noticed, I didn't post last week. For one, I had gone home to Ohio the weekend before and had some major food setbacks so I knew that I had gained, and second, I was preparing for the 5K on saturday so I didn't want to get mentally down on myself before the race. However, I did end up weighing myself last Wednesday and had gained...so, I just didn't post using the upcoming race as my excuse. Grrr....
So, last week's weight was a massive 221 pounds. OUCH! But, I'm happy (very happy) to report that this week is a much different story. As soon as I returned to Pittsburgh last Sunday, I started getting back on track with my food choices. I created a weekly menu chart and sat down that night and wrote out everything I would eat for the rest of the week (this seems to work better for me in comparison to writing down everything I eat after it's been consumed). Then I typed up a list of all the groceries I would need to prepare these meals. Monday after work I went straight to the grocery store and got my supplies and went home and cleaned my veggies, sealed and packed everything into individual servings, and tapped my menu to the front of the fridge. WHAT AN AMAZING DIFFERENCE THAT MAKES!!!!
What I found was that morning routine goes so much smoothier. I'm not awake enough in the mornings to think through what I want to pack for breakfast and lunch, so having the menu printed and posted on the fridge door takes thinking out of the equation. I just grab what my chart says for those two meals that day and go. No forgetting my lunch, no eating out for lunch, and no bad choices. I had one slip up last week...that was it! And, in order to prevent slip ups this week, I've printed an extra copy of my weekly menu and posted it at my desk at work. So, I'm reminded at the end of the day what I'm having for dinner and am less tempted to stop for fast food on the way home. It's great! I'm also working on (and getting better at) planning quick, healthy meals for the evenings when I'm busy so there is no chance for me to say, "I don't have time to make a healthy meal, why not just stop somewhere" (cause we all know I can't be trusted with that just yet).
The only other change I've made to my meals (which is actually a big change I guess), is I'm eating organic whenever possible. I'm also trying to choose meats that are grass fed and organically raised. I can't even begin to tell you the difference. I had the most amazing steak the other night! It was 100% organic and grass fed and the taste was so much cleaner and moist. Try it! Even if it's just for one meal....try it! (Also, check out Jillian Michaels MASTER YOUR METABOLISM book...scary, but insightful and makes a lot of sense.)
As for excercise these last two weeks. I managed to workout for about an hour 5 times both weeks (That includes a 5K this past Saturday). Those workouts include some strength training (however, this week's goal is to be more consistent with strength training), a little jogging/walking, and a lot of swimming!
Anyway, sorry to write your ears off this week, but I'm so excited. I really needed this week as a pat on the back for making great choices and big changes. It paid off and I will contine.
Last week: 221 lbs
This week: 215.8 lbs
Loss of: 5.2 lbs
Check back next week and I'll let you all know what I'm trying this week to improve my workouts!