So, as many of you know, the "If I Were A Fit Chick" group had 8 people participate in the Pittsburgh Half Marathon on May 2nd and I'm happy to report that we all finished. Even given the rainy, cold, and exhausting conditions, we ALL finished.
I forgot to weigh myself that Tuesday and report to you my results (as I had planned), but instead weighed myself on Wednesday afternoon. I was so disappointed in myself, that I chose not to report. I know it wasn't the right thing to do because I know you all are here for me and support me, but I just couldn't do it.
Anyway, I went to the gym during the later part of the week, ate as healthy as possible this past weekend, ran at the gym yesterday, and lifted weights this morning. (Yesterday I failed to get up and go to the gym in the morning, but I forced myself to get in an hour and half workout after work even though I was tired.) Yesterday I also started day 1 of a six week training program so that I can participate in the Father's Day 5K run on June 21st in Pittsburgh. It was tough, but I did the workout without any modifications and felt great about it. Tonight I plan on meeting up with my fellow FIT CHICK Katrina and we're going to walk 3-5 miles in order to complete day 2 of the training. (We try to meet every Tuesday to walk together and catch up.)
My goal right now is to RUN a 5K every month till the end of the year. I have all the races outlines and their due dates for application are posted on my work bulletin board so I can't miss them. I will meet this goal!
So, this week, I'm happy to report a loss.
My weight last week: 224
My weight this week: 221
Loss of 3 lbs. WOOT!